This canvas picture was given to Bettan to thank her for her photos from the yearly clubshow presented in the Icelandic Sheepdog magazine.(SIFK) In it you see her first darling, Spói and the one she has now Bassi Kjarval. The canvas is made from photos taken by Karin Öst and Ami Rooth.
Spói July 2002
Spói 1995
Spói INTUCH 1994
Spói 2003
Father Spói, daughter Mysla, mother Röskvas Askja These pictures were taken from a video recording and turned into pictures
Spói 3 months
Spói 1 year
Spói 2,5 months
Two pictures of Spói in his new home, 8 weeks old
2,5 -3 months old Spói
2,5 -3 months old Spói
4 months old Spói is trying to find the cat!
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